Consensus Protocol

What is Proof of Stake?

Aisland is an echo-friendly blockchain because uses a consensus protocol that requires a minimum amount of energy.

A consensus protocol is necessary to secure the transactions of the blockchain.

AISLAND blockchain uses a PROOF of STAKE consensus protocol, BITCOIN uses a PROOF OF WORK protocol.


AISLAND blockchain gives the right of writing new blocks, to specific nodes that have staked meaningful funds where the funds can be slashed if a malicious behaviour is detected.

The nodes above are called “Validators” and they are the equivalent of “Miners” in Bitcoin echo-system.

More funds the Validator has and more blocks it has the right to write. For each block written the node earns a reward in AISC tokens the native tokens of AISLAND.

Any blockchains is subject to a theorical attack executed from someone that owns more than 51% of the tokens. With Proof of Stake even in such case the owner has no interest to damage the blockchain where he has invested a huge amount of money to buy tokens.

In effect AISLAND blockchain can secure the transaction with at the least 25 validators and can accept up 1000 validators running at the same time.

An unlimited number of regular nodes can be part of the network.


Bitcoin uses a consensus that requires the miners a computation to find a solution of a certain crypto algorithm. The computation power increased constantly, and the BITCOIN price reflect the cost of the energy spent to write new blocks.

Unfortunately, this consensus protocol is consuming a huge amount of energy attracting many critics for the negative impact on the environment.